Friday, July 26, 2013

Freezer Friday: Peach Ice Cream

July is still National Ice Cream month!  And to celebrate, here is another recipe.  I didn't take many pictures this time, so I'll just give you the recipe and comment along the way.

Peach Ice Cream
3 eggs
1 3/4 cups sugar (B&J Bible says fruit to sugar is 4:1; just trust it)
4 really big peaches or 6-7 smaller ones, sliced up
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 teaspoon almond extract

Squeeze the lemon juice into the peach slices.  Smoosh them up or otherwise make the slices into smaller bits as desired.  Set that bowl aside.  Heat the heavy cream over the stove until it just starts to bubble, whisking constantly (about 10 minutes).  In another bowl, whisk the eggs until frothy.  Add sugar a little at a time until it is thoroughly dissolved.  Add in whole milk and almond extract while continuing to whisk.  Finally add in the warm heavy cream.  Strain the milk/egg mixture into the bowl of peaches.  Mix to incorporate.  Pour approximately half this mixture into your ice cream maker and finish according to manufacturer's instructions.  Reserve the other half of the ice cream mixture and repeat the ice cream process the next day.

The downside to this recipe is that you do have to churn the ice cream twice.  Using all that peach juice adds a dimension to the recipe that you just don't want to skip.  While it is possible for you to scale it down to try to half the recipe, I'm not comfortable guessing on the amounts this early in my ice cream churneing career.  This recipe is, um, perfect.  I had 8 people try it so far.  Seven said, "OMG!  This is SOOOO good." and one said, "I expected it to be sweeter.  I thought it would taste different."  Seven out of eight isn't bad!  If you are able, definitely put the almond extract in the ice cream.  It really takes the flavor to another level without being obnoxiously almond like you would typically expect.
Beautiful ripe peaches!

Peaches made smaller, plus any opportunity to show off my polka-dotted knives
Egg/sugar mixture
Whisking the milk into the eggs
Everything together
See this?  Don't do this.  This was my first attempt at churning.  The ice cream didn't have anywhere to go and it stayed a liquidy mess even after 90 minutes.  I wasn't ready to give up on it though!  I poured half the base into my frozen bowl a couple days later and it's absolutely perfect and delicious and I wouldn't change a thing!
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?  I would love to have a try at making my own recipe!  Leave me a comment (and a challenge) below.


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