Saturday, November 17, 2012

WIP: Parfait

I started sewing the Colette Parfait dress last Saturday.  It took me for-ev-er to assemble the pattern.  I have very little open floor space in my house and dogs (read: dog hair) everywhere.  Not good for taping stuff together.  With Colette patterns new download options, I love the instant gratification I get from buying the pattern and being able to start working on it right away.  I'm not sure about other sewists out there, but I can very rarely start sewing on the same day I cut the pattern out.  By the time I get all the pieces cut out and organized, I'm burnt out on sewing.  My typical sewing schedule is something like this:

Day 1:  Trace pattern pieces on freezer paper; cut out
Day 2:  Find big(ger) pieces of scrap fabric and cut out bodice piece muslin
Day 3:  Sew up the bodice muslin; pin out adjustments; make pattern adjustments
Day 4:  Cut out actual fabric (this sometimes happens immediately after making pattern adjustments)
Day 5:  Sew all the things! 
Day 6:  Do the finishing stuff--any hand sewing, hemming, buttons, etc

I don't do all these things in consecutive days because I have next-to-no free time at all ever, but I do sneak sewing time in a few times a week when I can.  I pinned some seams-to-be on my Souvenier Dress last night before bed, for example.  That totally counts!

I think my Parfait schedule went something like:
Sunday:  Download pattern
Tuesday:  Cut out the pieces, sew up the muslin bit, make the changes
Thursday:  Cut out actual fabric and interfacing parts
Saturday (November 10):  Sew all the things!

That's where I'm at now.  I switched my focus back to the Souvenier Dress.  I'm using the same thread for both, so I should be able to finish both dresses this weekend!  That is, provided I don't have ten different and more important things come up in the meantime.  I'm still thinking about the buttons.  I love theses vintage inspired ones I have, but they might be too heavy and too big.  I have to decide before I can make the button holes.
For you crafty people, how do you break down your crafting time?  I'm the least efficient sewer out there--my ironing board and iron are in one room, my sewing machine is in another, and I can never find the stupid scissors!  What tips do you have to make your crafting more efficient that you can share with me?  Let me know in the comments.

Hopefully I will have two new dresses to show off next week!  Have a great weekend!

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